Oldies But Goodies 3: Playlets – Tasha The Dog
The Ghost of Tasha: Playlets Part 1: Off Her Rocker (Yesterday, I honestly thought my mom was off her rocker. I called her at lunchtime.) Me: It feels weird to call you and not ask how Tashy is doing....
View ArticleThe $30 Copay Anxiety Attack
A Playlet 4/20/13 Setting: Examination Room at OB/GYN surrounded by “soothing” art featuring flying geese – I notice there’s no goose poop in the painting and think how unrealistic that is. Background...
View ArticleThe Eye Doctor: A Playlet
Setting: an eye doctor’s office. Eye Doctor: Your new contacts look fine (said after spending about 30 seconds looking at my eyes with some sort of high tech lense.) Me: Great. (I go to the front desk...
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