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Oldies But Goodies 3: Playlets – Tasha The Dog


The Ghost of Tasha: Playlets
Part 1: Off Her Rocker

(Yesterday, I honestly thought my mom was off her rocker. I called her at lunchtime.)

Me: It feels weird to call you and not ask how Tashy is doing.
Mom: Well, she’s back at the vet.
Me: What?!?
Mom: (calmly) She’s back at the vet. I need to pick her up.
Me: Uh, Mom . . . Are you losing your mind? Tasha is dead!
Mom: Oh, I know that. They have her ashes.

End Scene

Part 2: Tasha Rides Again

(I called my mom this morning regarding my dr’s appt today; here was part of our conversation).

Me: I really thought you were off your rocker yesterday.
Mom: Your dad thought the same thing last night, but then he asked me something strange this morning.
Me: What?
Mom: Well, he asked if I minded if he took Tasha to work today.
Me: Um, he wanted to take her ashes to work?!?
Mom: That’s what he said, so I told him “OK” and got her ashes out of the drawer.
Me: You had her in a drawer?!?
Mom: Well, I didn’t want her to get knocked over and spilled.
Me: Hmmmm. . .
Mom: So Dad took her to work. I think he wanted to show Bob.

End Scene

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